Humble beginnings

  • So, here’s my first blog post on my swanky new website! I’m not going to write an awful lot right now, purely because my desk is straining under the weight of projects that I need to attend to first – a freelance copywriter doesn’t tend to work ‘normal’ hours and that’s certainly the case for me at the moment. I love being busy though, especially because it means that every day is different – working for such a wide variety of clients is one of my greatest joys.

    One thing I do want to say though, is a big THANK YOU to Julian and Matt at Invent Partners; they created this website with very little guidance from me and have totally delivered the goods! I highly recommend them if you’re looking for a new website or redesign.

    I also want to say a big thank you to my new clients at Solutions Four – I feel really proud to be a regular part of their team and I’m really enjoying working for and with them.

    That really is all I have to say for now; short and sweet. I do have an ulterior motive. I’m actually about to sneak away from my desk to go to a gig. I’m going to see two of my favourite bands from my teen years – and I don’t mind admitting that I’m a little bit excited!

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